scale_y_continuous. 1,1), expand = c (0,0)) and I get this as the result. scale_y_continuous

1,1), expand = c (0,0)) and I get this as the resultscale_y_continuous Collectives™ on Stack Overflow

Hey i want to change the unit format and this my code for y scales scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::unit_format(unit=&quot;Rp&quot;)) and the output will be 400 000 Rp but, i want the output to. 5), limits = c(5,7)) was the solution! What you may have to keep in mind if you use log transformed data like me is that if you simply put c(0,40) or similar, your data may appear very small as the distance from 0 to the first break (10 in my case) is large and it could be better to use the real bottom. ", decimal. fortify () turns objects into tidy data frames: it has largely been superceded by the broom package. 153 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. 3. Manual labels eg. Ideally, I would use the lowest value (+ some space) from both plots, and the highest value (+ some space) from both plots for the limits of both plots. This older stackoverflow question explains how to change your y-axis to K for thousands instead of ,000. coord_cartesian () just zooms that region of values. When displaying counts, we want to think about. scale_y_continuous を利用して y 軸のスケールと増分値を設定し、次のラベルを出力することもできます。seq 関数は、scale_y_continuous 呼び出しの breaks パラメーターに数列を渡すために使用されます。 To make both changes work, get rid of ylim () and set both limits and breaks in scale_y_continuous (): pg_plot + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 10), breaks = NULL) In ggplot, there are two ways of setting the range of the axes. Controlling range with scale_y_continuous will filter the data (e. Share. 2, 0. Generate expansion vector for scales. Now, the same format would be specified (much more neatly) this way: scale_y_continuous (labels=function (x)x*1000) or if you want to use the same labelling scheme multiple times: formatter1000 <- function () { function (x)x*1000 } scale_y_continuous. For the Viridis scale, the first two colors are dark (or anything under . 0+ you can specify separate expansion values for the upper and lower limit of the scales. When asking a second question: Instead of pasting the answer in your post simply put a link to the first question/answer in the post. Example:Each aesthetic property of the graph (y-axis, x-axis, color, etc. + 10)) # Inherit the name from the primary. – Jon Spring. まず、軸に制限をかけずに散布図を見てみましょう。. values contains scale-specific arguments, limits specifies the range of values to include in mappings, breaks specifies the breaks to use in legend/axis, and name and labels specify the title and labels to use in the. You might also consider using coord_cartesian () to control the axes -- the main difference is that it will keep all the input. 1)) # 1st dataset d2 = data. text. See the arguments, examples and built-in transformations for each variant. 15 axis label scales The scales package, a ggplot2 dependency 4 , makes it incredibly easy to reformat x and y axis labels (among other things). scale_x_continuous and scale_y_continuous are the default scales for continuous x and y aesthetics. The defaults are to expand the scale by 5% on each side for continuous variables, and by 0. scale_y_continuous 는 연속적인 y 축 스케일 미학을위한 값을 설정하는 데 사용됩니다. 5, 35, 35. and then also expanded (in line with expand =. ggplot2: change break points of discrete scale to be between two break points. This censors (replaces with NA) any values that are outside the axis limits, which includes the 0 which should be the ymin column. 2, 10, 32, 100), limits=c (0,100)), I get this: ibb. We can also transform either of the axes to a log scale by using the following arguments: scale_x_continuous(trans=’log10′) scale_y_continuous(trans=’log10′) For example, the following code shows how to transform the y-axis to a log scale:Raw Blame. If you have a query related to it or one of the replies, start a new topic and refer back with a link. #Apply transformation gg + scale_y_continuous(trans=probability_trans("norm")) And the result is: The points are transformed correctly (they lie on a straight line), but the function is not! However, everything seems to work fine if I do like this, calculating the CDF with. The function scales::comma () is useful for presenting numbers using commas to separate the thousands. The rescaler is ignored by position scales, which always use scales::rescale (). R ggplot2 scale_y_continuous : Combining breaks & limits. Breaks in scale_x_continuous doesn't seem to work. Numeric columns can be reversed by adding scale_y_reverse() or scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse) but I can't seem to figure out how to get from top to bottom: 2005, 2006, 2007. FollowGuides: axes and legends. . demo_discrete () for discrete axes. scales. Based on the first example, you should be able to understand how changes to font face. There are three variants that set the trans argument for commonly used transformations: scale_*_log10() , scale_*_sqrt() and scale_*_reverse() . scale_x_continuous(), scale_y_continuous()의 이해와 표현 ggplot() 함수와 함께 사용할 수 있는 scale_x_continuous(), scale_y_continuous() 함수는 연속하는 숫자형 변수 x,y에 대하여 각각 축의 스케일(scale), 눈금(breaks), 레이블 표기(label), 표시구간(limit) 등을 설정 할 수 있도록 해 줍니다. 1. Using scale_y_continuous & scale_y_reverse concurrently. You should remove limits= from scale_y_continous () and use coord_cartesian () with ylim= instead. library(plotly) p <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(color, log10(price))) + geom_boxplot() + scale_y_continuous("Price, log10-scaling") fig <- ggplotly(p) fig. For simple manipulation of scale labels and limits, you may wish to use labs () and lims () instead. The expansion vectors are used to add some space between the data and the axes. scale_x_log10() and scale_x_log10() are shortcuts for the base-10 logarithmic transformation of an axis. Is there a way around this conflict? Is there a way to set the upper limit of ylim with an arithmetic expression. You can add linetype inside aes in your geom_line call to create a separate legend for the line then move its legend closer to fill legend. You can set the limits precisely by setting expand = FALSE p + coord_cartesian(xlim = c (325. 33, -3. Goal: change labels on my y axis on a bar plot from e. Setting limits on the coordinate system will zoom the plot (like you're looking at it with a magnifying glass), and will not change the. axis= argument is for the second y scale. Setting the limits in each scale. g. mark =…This is clearly a logarithmic scale, and if you want to emulate it you cannot use a sqrt() transformation. This function uses the following basic syntax: p + scale_y_continuous (breaks, n. Details. 05, 0) for continuous variables, and c (0, 0. There's a couple of things, the scale displays numbers that area a proportion as a percentage, so there's no need to multiply by 100. 3. The expansion vectors. frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5) p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() p <- p + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0) p # not what you are looking for p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) You may need to adjust things a little to make sure points are not getting cut off (see, for example, the point at x. In this example, I’ll illustrate how to control the minor grid lines on the x-axis of a ggplot2 graphic. , scale_colour_gradient2 () , scale_colour_gradientn () ). Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. When I try: scale_y_continuous (labels = scales::percent) I get for my 100 --> 10000% instead of 100%. 1 Answer. )). Follow. ) and as a function labels = percent. Minor suggested edit to the response above: It seems that you have to specify the limits within the scale_y_continuous call prior to setting the values as percentages: scale_y_continuous (limits=c (0,1), labels = scales::percent) Share. ticks. If the larger value comes first, the scale will be reversed. scale_continuous GGPLOT - scale_continuous Position scales for continuous data (x & y) and then convert them with ggplotly. However, as seen on the image below, y axis don't match. Instead of using scale_x_continuous you can use scale_x_datetime or scale_x_date. Use it when the ranges of your variables vary greatly and need to be freed. You can use one of the following two methods to do so using only ggplot2: 1. sec_axis is used to create the specifications for a secondary axis. Sorted by: 2. After the following conversion: ch_time ['change_time']= ch_time ['date_trunc'] / np. For simple manipulation of scale labels and limits, you may wish to use labs() and lims() instead. Lin. See help (cut_width). #Our transformation function scaleFUN <- function (x) sprintf ("%. 5. In the simplest case they map linearly from the data. ggplot(mpg, aes(x = hwy, y = displ)) + geom_point() + scale_y_continuous() ggplot2tor. The question asks how to plot a graph with a y axis in percentage using. axis = sec_axis (~. So an example in ggplot might look like. scale_x_continuous () and scale_y_continuous () are the default scales for continuous x and y aesthetics. 25, 4. How to set the coordinate limits when x and y scales are very different? 1. As a consequence, the rectangles can't be drawn. 12, 3. This can be done easily using the ggplot2 functions scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous(), which make it possible to set log2 or log10 axis scale. a function that takes a vector x and returns a character vector of length (x) giving a label for each input value. 3, by = -. Position scales for discrete data. Hi, Im tring to create ggplot graph with secondary axis. What About Dash? Dash for R is an open-source framework for building analytical applications, with no Javascript required, and it is tightly integrated with the Plotly graphing library. Learn how to use the scale_y_continuous function in R to set values, print labels, modify scaling ratio, remove labels or customize labels for continuous y-axis scale. 0. 1. limit,upper. I would like to plot ONLY y-axis1 DATA (left axis, Var1, dotted line) as a log10 scale. You can also extend that end by a fixed amount: for instance, scale_y_continuous (expand = expansion (add = c (0, 5))) extends it by 5 units of space. Pick better value with `binwidth`. You can specify limits, breaks, and labels in scale_y_reverse() and just omit scale_y_continuous(). left or right for y axes, top or bottom for x axes. The points in the two datasets will be in different colors in order to distinguish the two scales. . p <- ggplot (mtcars, aes (cyl, mpg)) + geom_point () p <- p + scale_y_continuous (sec. Please test code you give us. </p>. If it is logical, the TRUE means the default of ggplot2 (foregoing statement), and FALSE means no expand for the plot. I used the following "scale_y_continuous (labels = scales::comma, accuracy=1. Provide some indication of the break in scale. library (ggplot2) ggplot () + geom_col ( data = f400weight, aes (factor (month), avg_weight, fill = factor (fruit_origin. 4. 05). As of now, ggplot2 supports three date and time classes: POSIXct, Date and hms. See the arguments, examples and built-in transformations for each variant. breaks. – r2evans. 2), labels = function (x) scales::percent (x), expand = c (0, 0)) + labs (title = "Y axis line looks perfect, but the. I see. answered Dec 2, 2018 at 16:35. 이 함수는 ggplot2 패키지의 일부이며 대부분 ggplot 객체와 함께 사용되어 그릴 그래프에 대해 다른 매개 변수를 수정합니다. 6. 0. If you want to control the range of the x data, and the number of breaks, put both inside scale_x_continuous. 1, date and datetime scales have limited secondary axis capabilities. Note that these facets must be used with scales = "free" or "free_x" or "free_y", depending on what scales are added. I have found that if I pass arguments to the labels option in scale_y_continuous() function in ggplot directly it works fine, but if I pass them via do. since it's a separate parameter to scale_y_continuous which is really just a call to continuous_scale. #> Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis Yes, the 0s will become -Inf but at least the y-axis is now correct. Search all packages and functions. Sorted by: 39. 4) for 40%:Method 1: Whole number representation. v of ggplot2 (Now available in the CRAN version); install. This is a shortcut for supplying the limits argument to the individual scales. 5), limits = c(0, 1. A standard example are logarithmic coordinates, which can be achieved in ggplot by using scale_y_log10(). This is always a good idea as it assists the reader in quickly determining the magnitude of the numbers we are looking at. A reverse datetime scale could be created by manually defining a trans function from this answer. Camilo Ramirez Camilo Ramirez. Change the breaks. An other possibility is the function scale_x_log10() and scale_y_log10(), which transform, respectively, the x and y axis. the labels are placed at integer positions). If you want to have the axis limits 400-2800, the proper syntax is c (400, 2800). Yesterday, I talked about scale_x_date and scale_x_discrete. However you can create a pseudolog scale using scales::pseudo_log_trans to get 0 included on the axis so all the bars go the same direciton. Details. Use scale_y_continuous() or scale_x_continuous() ggplot(df, aes (x=x, y=y)) + geom_point() + scale_y_continuous(trans=' log10 ') + scale_x_continuous(trans=' log10 ') 2. As Axeman noted, specifying limits in scale_y_continuous () would limit the y-axis. sec_axis. 6, 0. e^y cannot be negative. The ggplot capability to allow secondary axes (from version 2. For example in the plot below, we manipulate the x-axis by providing arguments to our scale. 1 Continuous Axis. I am just guessing without any data but maybe try. the log2-transformed fold change. 15), expand=c (0,0)) Also consider adding theme_bw () for a cleaner look. It's also possible to control axis breaks by specifying a step between ticks. A scaling factor: x will be multiplied by scale before formatting. ggplot2: change break points of discrete scale to be between two break points. Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale. These functions share common API deisgn, with the first argument specifying the limits of the scale. vector of multiplicative range expansion factors. Note that the limits function gets the 'natural' data limits as argument, whereas the breaks function gets the expanded limits as argument. dup_axis is provide as a shorthand for creating a secondary axis that is a duplication of the primary axis. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. You can use the following syntax to set the axis breaks for the y-axis and x-axis in ggplot2: #set breaks on y-axis scale_y_continuous (limits = c (0, 100), breaks =. This means that it is impossible to plot a percentage (scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::percent_format())) and a scientific number (scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::scientific_format())) on the same axis but different. If it is an issue you can try to use coord_cartesian (ylim = c (0,7)) in your code and remove limits from scale_y_continuous. Creates breaks for numeric axes to be used in the functions scale_x_continuous () and scale_y_continuous (). 2. There's a couple of things, the scale displays numbers that area a proportion as a percentage, so there's no need to multiply by 100. However, to reply to your question and get your scale starting at 1 instead of 0, you need to change scale_y_continuous by this: scale_y_continuous (name="Rating", breaks=1:7, limits=c (0, 7)) Does it answer your. Formatting of axes labels is possible to convert the scientific notation to other formats. 15,0)) works in many cases, but not all. 5. e. In this example, scale_ specifies a scale function, fill is the aesthetic to adjust, and manual is the prepackaged scale to use. In ggplot2 version 3. scale_y_continuous is used to set values for continuous y-axis scale aesthetics. Other functions like scale_x_log10(), scale_x_reverse() transform the data,. Afterwards you could get petrcent labels using scales::percent:Complete noob to R/RStudio/tidyverse. Instead, sometimes you would like to have the y-axis with dollars. I must have had a typo or not tried this properly somehow, but the solution is that scale_y_reverse () takes 'label' as an argument, just like scale_y_continuous. Tutorials, educational apps, cheat sheets and courses for you to master ggplot2. One that I tried to use was this example bellow but gives me very different scales. Creator and author. An introductory book for health data science using R. 4, 0. A set of functions to format numeric values: number_format() and number() are generic formatters for numbers. This is a convenience function for generating scale expansion vectors for the expand argument of scale_ (x|y)_continuous and scale_ (x|y)_discrete. position. This works perfectly! But now, I want to categorise the items in the histogram, as follows: ggplot (contig_len, aes (x = Length, fill = Prevalence)) + geom_histogram (binwidth=200, alpha=0. Tidy Data Data is stored is a data frame with cases as rows and variables as columns. Note that these axis values may not make much sense (eg. sec_axis is used to create the specifications for a secondary axis. If you need to include the whiskers as well, consider using boxplot. 3, 0. Use guides() or the guide argument to individual scales along with guide_*() functions. I can do this manually with + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(a,b)) where I set the appropriate values for a and b, however, I have a lot of different dataframes with different temperature ranges. As a matter of course, I recommend commas in plots (and tables) at all times. You can move this threshold to 1e-5 with the labeller function prettyNum0 <- function(x){sprintf("%. Note that, scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous() remove all data points outside the given range and, the coord_cartesian() function only adjusts the visible area. Setting xlim and ylim in coord_cartesian () To zoom in on a region of the plot, it’s generally best to use coord_cartesian (). the -log10-transformed adjusted p-value. Update the y-axis to show the new scale. Here is what happens when I set the limit on scale_y_continuous () to c (0,1): example_plot + scale_y_continuous (NULL, limits = c (0, 1. axis = sec_axis (~. e. Follow asked Oct 3, 2018 at 10:43. On my ggplot (see below), I was expecting scale_y_continuous(breaks=(seq(0, 90, 10))) to set y between 0 and 90 and spaced every 10. But you can also define custom transformation functions by supplying the trans argument to scale_y_continuous() (and similarly for scale_x_continuous()). Utilice scale_y_continuous () o scale_x_continuous ()tl;dr the range of your data (approx. Hi @MauritsEvers I have added a second plot to hopefully show better. My trouble is in combining the two ideas in R:I have the 'scales' package loaded and even use label = comma in the scale_y_continuous() line. frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5) p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() p <- p + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0) p # not what you are looking for p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) You may need to adjust things a little to make sure points are not getting cut off (see, for example,. Collectives™ on Stack Overflow. It appears that the scale_y_continuous() command is switched off by ylim(). See the arguments, examples and built-in. I am creating a box plot in which I have used scale_x_reordered () after adjusting the order of factors on the x axis. 2, transform the y values using yield/0. 3. I’ve tried several ways of introducing the “round” function into both steps 2 and steps 3 below, but I can’t get rid of these unnecessary decimals. g. As you can see, I currently have two independent lines on the x-axis as currently written with labels = paste0("LN: LND: ", paste0(seq(0,80,5)))). scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous() are the default scales for continuous x and y aesthetics. Why not use this as an answer?scale. Your Answer Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Eg. povcalnetRThe scales scale_colour_continuous() and scale_fill_continuous() are the default colour scales ggplot2 uses when continuous data values are mapped onto the colour or fill aesthetics, respectively. 1 of ggplot2) autoplot () is an extension mechanism for ggplot2: it provides a way for package authors to add methods that work like the base plot () function, generating useful default plots with little user interaction. Although ggplot doesn't allow creating a separate independent y-axis, it does allow creating a second y axis that is a one-to-one transformation of the first. 5. Just do fivenum() on the data to extract what, IIRC, is used for the upper and lower hinges on boxplots and use that output in the scale_y_continuous() call that @Ritchie showed. Responses included code but the post sparked a conversation around why this can be misleading. Scales. EDIT: If you want to filter out the . A set of functions to format numeric values: number_format() and number() are generic formatters for numbers. right after your limits =. A menudo, es posible que desee convertir el eje x o la escala del eje y de un gráfico ggplot2 en una escala logarítmica. Again , you will need to play. breaks without scale_y_continuous() in ggplot2. Unlike other continuous scales, secondary axis transformations for date and datetime scales must respect their primary POSIX data structure. There are 4 helper functions in scales used to demonstrate ggplot2 style scales for specific types of data: demo_continuous () and demo_log10 () for numerical axes. This function uses the following basic syntax: p + scale_x_continuous(breaks, n. I plot my data. Doing so however makes the larger scale a mess. The following works: library ("ggplot2") library ("chron") # Data to graph. 1). (I know this is somewhat abstract; see the below code to get a better. comes up with error: Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale. In most cases this is clear in the plot specification, because the user explicitly specifies the variables mapped to x and y explicitly. asked Mar 6, 2014 at 15:22. 0. I hope this helps understanding why this plot is giving you trouble. tidyverse. g. I am trying to insert the symbol "%" in the Y-axis of my graph. The limits of my graph are -1 and 1, but I want the scale to display the labels as absolute percentages i. R ggplot2 scale_y_continuous : Combining breaks & limits. 15 axis label scales. Basics. Is there a way to set scale_y_continuous () in such a way that I can have a different scale in different facets, while keeping: scales = free. 4) Video & Further Resources. #' inputs before using it with a geom that requires discrete positions. Source: R/scale-expansion. # Show colorbar guide for colour. , scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10"). The diagram is then transformed on the y-axis by calling this function coord_trans (y=log_reverse). 5. It's also possible to control axis breaks by specifying a step between ticks. ggplot(df, aes(x=Effect2, y=OddsRatioEst)) + geom_boxplot(outlier. This is a convenience function for generating scale expansion vectors for the expand argument of scale__continuous and scale__discrete. If you want to treat them as discrete, convert to a factor. 5. Scale transformation. This should be simple but I am getting some errors. Basic. So. 1). Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace. demo_datetime for data / time axes. by default multipled by 0. If these are extensions of the data scale, I've also done this by adding fake data to the data set (and doing whatever's necessary to make sure it is considered in defining scales, but not plotted). Control of the x and y axes for continuous variables is done with the functions scale_x_continuous and scale_y_continuous. If you specify 2 scales, e. 3 the working syntax is: require (scales) ggplot (timeSeries, aes (x=Date, y=Unique. The defaults are to expand the scale by 5% on each side for continuous variables. I am making a chart with ggplot and can control the y axis minor grid lines. There are three variants that set the trans argument for commonly used transformations: scale_*_log10, scale_*_sqrt and scale_*_reverse. Your options are 'fixed' (default), 'free_x', 'free_y', or 'free' for both. 1 Numeric. frame like this, but I find it hard to specify the breaks in scale_y_discrete inside the dplyr pipeline. A question and answers forum for R users to share and discuss their code and problems. It's because you are setting a discrete x scale but your x values are numeric. Scale Types. See how to set custom axis breaks, number of breaks, labels and limits for different scenarios. It is intended that this function works with both ggplot2::facet_wrap() and ggplot2::facet_grid(). R ggplot2 scale_y_continuous : Combining breaks & limits. The numbers are already in % but without such symbols. co/bD0g2c I also cannot. e. This function will later be passed to the breaks = argument in scale_y_continuous() to draw new limits. 이 예에서는 scale_y_continuous 를 사용하여 Y 축 레이블을. The dotted line would therefore look higher on the y-axis and differences between 1 and 2 would be noticeable. 5,6. xlim is a shortcut to the limits term of scale_x_XXXX, and it will overwrite any prior x scale settings. call it throws an error, even though (I think) these are equivalent. <p>This is a convenience function for generating scale expansion vectors for the <code>expand</code> argument of scale_ (x|y)_continuous and scale_ (x|y)_discrete. Suppose we have the following data frame in R that shows the percentage of items that were returned at four different stores:Position guides are ticks, labels and lines drawn at the x- and y-axes. this is helpful, however, the scale from the scale_y_continuous function is applied across all boxplots. This behaviour depends on the oob (out-of-bounds) argument of scale_y_continuous(), which defaults to the scales::censor() function. 4. scale_x_log10() and scale_x_log10() are shortcuts for the base-10 logarithmic transformation of an axis. Part of R Language Collective. There is a solution that don't require scales library. ggplot2, rstudio. frame (x=c (100, 200, 300, 400), y=seq (0. Learn how to use the scale_y_continuous function in ggplot2 to change the range of a continuous y axis. 使用的函数是 scale_y_continuous( ) ,它是ggplot2库中 “y-aesthetics “的一个默认比例。由于我们需要在Y轴的标签中加入百分比,所以使用了关键词 “labels “。 现在使用 scales: : percent 将Y轴的标签转换成百分比。这将把Y轴的数据从十进制扩展到百分比。I have 40 groups (defined by short_ID) and would like to produce 40 different plots that use different y-scale breaks for each short_ID. 5, 1, 1. library (dplyr) library (ggplot2) mtcars %>% count (cyl) %>% mutate (prop = n / sum (n)) %>% ggplot (aes (x = cyl, y = prop)) + geom_point () + scale_y_continuous. In the following. # Custom Y-axis labels labels <- function(x) { paste(x, "grams") } p + scale_y_continuous(label = labels) The length of the vector passed to labels must equal the number of breaks. You give it a way to find the appropriate panel cond == "C" and give it a different label function than the default scale. 0+ you can specify separate expansion values for the upper and lower limit of the scales. 14. 1) Arguments. There are three variants that set the trans argument for commonly used transformations: ⁠scale_*_log10 ()⁠, ⁠scale_*_sqrt ()⁠ and ⁠scale_*_reverse ()⁠ . Break points not behaving with scale_y_continuous() 0. You will also need to specify that this should be applied to the limits= argument. ) where: breaks: A numeric vector of positions for breaks on the y-axis See moreLearn how to customize position scales for continuous data (x and y) using scale_x_continuous and scale_y_continuous functions. This occurs because the default for scale_(x|y)continuous* for continuous variables adds 5% at either end so that points are not right at the edge. Unlike most {ggplot2} functions, scales are not additive. 28. Here is an approach using dig. The truncated look of the axis can be replicated with ggh4x::axis_truncated () (disclaimer, I'm the author of that function). Based on these functions trans_new is defined. With toy data, things seem to work correctly, combining the scale_y_continus trans function with labels = scales::dollar. demo_datetime for data / time axes. scale_x_continuous () and scale_y_continuous () are the default scales for continuous x and y aesthetics. value, trans. Please mark answers as accepted if they helped you to solve your problem. I want the breaks for the y-scale to be (1) mean-2SD, (2) mean and (3) mean+2SD. This is done via . 1, date and datetime scales have limited secondary axis capabilities. 3, scale_y_continuous (expand = expansion (mult = c (0, . A short cut for this is to use the 'function' scale, and pass as extra arguments a forward and an inverse function. When adding the p-values to a horizontal ggplot, you need to specify the option coord. If you want to treat them as discrete, convert to a factor. asked Oct 4, 2018 at 18:20.